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A total of 328 ultra-modern rental apartments ranging in size from 32 m² to 77 m² await you at High Five. With a total height of the building of almost 70 m, the apartments guarantee a unique city and panoramic view. Each apartment is equipped with a fitted kitchen and offers a loggia, balcony or private garden – perfect for innovative living.

With our apartment finder, you can select your perfect apartment now and make an exclusive reservation. Simply click through the floors and discover the floor plans of the apartments. If you’re quick, you’ll get a head start: register now and secure your new apartment at High Five.

All residents also have access to rooms that can be used flexibly: Whether as a home office, co-working space or for leisure, yoga and fitness – the rooms with 45 m² to approx. 70 m² can be adapted to your individual needs.

Discover the apartment finder now and secure your dream apartment!

Published On: 24. October 2024Tags: , , , , 168 words0.8 min read

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