Building site update – Marktstraße 52 in Hohenems
Listed terraced house in the old town
We are pleased to be able to report on the current construction progress of our renovation and redensification project at Marktstrasse 52!
After carefully gutting the listed old building, we dismantled the old barn at the rear to make room for the exciting redensification project. Next, we will start with the construction of the new staircase, followed by the erection of the new building in modern timber construction and the installation of the new roof truss on the listed building.
We are proud to be able to support another great project by Markus Schadenbauer and thank our partners for the excellent cooperation.
We are looking forward to the next milestones and to making a further contribution to the revitalization of the old town of Hohenems!
#STC #project development #monument preservation # redensification #new building